Fine Art Collection

Winter, Oil Painting
Memory, Micronpen
Honesty, Gouache
By the River, Charcoal Drawing
Taste, Charcoal Drawing
Dinner, Oil Painting
Trash, Gouache
Ouroboros, Watercolor
Vivamus Mia Lesbia, Lithography
Lack of Color, Darkroom Photography
Sing in the Shower Dance to the Radio, Curation
Lost on Map, Mixed Media
Still Alive, Collage
Illustion, Mixed Media
Confinement, Woodcut Print
Jellyfish, Mixed Media
Hyakki Yakou, Micronpen
Bone, Mixed Media
Deconstruction, Wood Sculpture
Wall, Wood Work
Ashgirl, Stage/Costume/Makeup/Lighting Design
Ghosts, Watercolor
Plant, Woodcut Print
Chaos, Silver Point
Shell, Micronpen
Nature, Mixed Media
Smoke, Digital
Geometry, Gouche